If Yоu’vе Nоtiсеd А Вluе Linе Раintеd Оn Тhе Strееt, Неrе’s Whаt It Mеаns
Attention to road markers is crucial, as any driver can tell you.
Disregarding these markers is extremely risky and might result in dеаth.
A new road marker, consisting of a thin blue line positioned between the two yellow centre lines on the road, may become visible to drivers in certain parts of the United States in the next weeks.
It turns out that heroes in the police force are having their names painted on roadways all around Maryland in the form of this blue line.
Since the queue terminates at the police station, this serves as an additional precaution.
The fact that it shows appreciation for the sacrifices made by police officers every day is commendable, nevertheless.